Nero Wan

Nero started her journey with CrossFit in 2017 in Hong Kong, a place known for being a perpetual state of stress and hurry. The quick, intense WODs felt natural amidst a busy schedule. Initially Nero joined to improve her capacities in martial arts, tennis and swimming, but as she dived deeper into Olympic Lifting she found that weight and strength training held benefits far beyond the day to date health routines. Nero continued with CrossFit through her entire pregnancy until the day she gave birth to her daughter and believes that this played a pivotal role in a smooth and easy delivery.

Since then she has continued her focus on health and fitness, becoming a certified nutrition coach with a focus on supporting simpler approaches to healthy eating. Her specialty is helping others with busy schedules achieve their goals and find what they love about fitness, health, and wellbeing.

  • CrossFit Level 1

  • USA Weightlifting Level 1

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 

Olivia Graff
Olivia's athletic origins lie in gymnastics and circus arts. After finding CrossFit in 2007, she became obsessed, and three years later left her IT career and opened United Barbell. Olivia is particularly passionate about helping people new to fitness to find joy in their growing athletic abilities. Since the birth of her daughter, Isis, in 2013, Olivia can add helping little ones find their athletic path to her list of passions.

Tuvale Polu


Liv Graff